Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Travel Bug bit me but Good!

The travel bug bit me but good! I've been home from London for only 3 days now, and I am already having major withdrawls. I miss the theatre, I miss the architecture, I miss the food, the shopping, the culture, and the weather over there. You know I've really got it bad when I even miss the shouting drunks that would stand outside my window at all hours of the night.

There was always tons to do in London. You wouldn't be able to cover everything there in a year. I miss the museums. There are so many museums in London that range from history to the arts--they even have a Ripley's Believe it or Not museum. Some of the castles over there have been converted into museums that the public can tour.

Furthermore, I'm missing the food. Even though people rave about New Orleans food, I've never been one who enjoyed it. London food is more my style. Fish and chips are so delicious. But I really miss the little Chinese take-away place and the Thai restaurant we discovered over there. I've never had such great oriental food in my life. Just the quality of food over there is so much better than the quality of food in America. There standards for food are so much higher. They don't take short cuts with their food like Americans do. When you eat chicken, you know it's real chicken, not some sort of crappy pressed meat substitute. And all the food over there is so fresh. Most people shop at these huge farmers markets that get fresh produce, dairy, meats, breads, and sweets delivered daily.

I think being in London turned me into a bit of a culture snob. Out of all the things I miss about London, the one I miss most is the theatre. They have the greatest theatre over there. And even though I saw a ton of shows during the two and a half weeks I was there, there were still so many more I really wish I had gotten to see. There is something so magical about live theatre that TV just can't compare. And I loved being able to meet the actors after a show and have the opportunity to talk with them and get their autographs. It was really cool to see that these actors were really just regular people. They weren't stuck up or snooty. After a show, all the makeup would come off and they'd walk or ride their bicycles home just like any ordinary person would.

It's been difficult readjusting to being back in the South where it's hot as blazes and people have very little access to theatre. Over here, schools often cut the theatre and the arts first when the budgets have to tighten their purse strings. It's a shame. Theatre is such an important creative outlet. It should be promoted. Plus there are so many beautiful theatres in the New Orleans area that have been sitting, rotting since Hurricane Katrina. It would be fantastic if people would invest to renovate them and revive interest in theatre in the South. Going to plays and musicals is such a fun way to spend an afternoon. And it's good for the economy. It draws in tourists, generates money through ticket sales, and creates jobs too! New Orleans would be a perfect place to try to create a Broadway of the South just as it is trying to also become Hollywood South. Hopefully there are others who feel the same way I do and will try to make this idea a reality.

London was such an extraordinary experience. I had the privilege of traveling with such a great group of people and seeing so many incredible things. It's really hard not seeing all my new friends all the time even though we all promised to get together as often as possible. However, I'm already looking forward to next year's trip back to England. I'm ready to explore London even more and come home with a whole new set of fun tales of our adventures.

If this trip taught me one thing it's that I absolutely love travel. I love the energy of a big city, the thrill of experiencing new places and new cultures--I discovered that I am not one of those people who could settle down in one place for very long. If I could move somewhere new every couple years after I'd done just about everything there is to do in each place, I would be extremely happy. For me, I don't need a particular address to call home. For me, home is where my family is. And as long as I can visit them whenever I want, I don't see the point of ever settling down in one place. The world is too big to stay in one place for too long. And there are too many places I want to see. The travel bug has infected me big time. I'm ready for another adventure.

Til next time,
Cheers Y'all.

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