Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Sunny (and incredibly HOT) Day in London Town

When I left New Orleans, I was ecstatic to be leaving the 90 degree weather with 90 percent humidity for the typical 60 degree, overcast skies of London, England. You can imagine my dismay when I stepped outside in London for the first time only to feel the sweat immediately starting to form on my skin. It seemed as though the heat wave had followed me across the pond. Bollocks.

But I wasn’t really all that worried because I figured, hey, at least London’s not some third-world country—it’ll have air conditioning. Wrong again. I was aghast to find that very few places in London actually have AC at all. At all! This includes the dorms where I happen to be staying. The only way to get any fresh air at all is to open the two little windows that maybe open only 3 inches at the top. Not a very good way to get the stagnant air to circulate through a tiny room. Bollocks again.

And as if this isn’t bad enough, the only clothes I packed were long jeans, long sleeves, and sweat shirts. Yeah. Pretty miserable.

However, after calling home in a panic that I would literally melt like the Wicked Witch of the West, it suddenly dawned on me that with this unfortunate selection of clothes I had packed came the opportunity to do some, you guessed it, SHOPPING!

Off to Oxford Circus I went in desperate pursuit of some shorts and t-shirts without blowing all my spending money on the first day. Oxford Circus is a really cool place to shop. It’s literally miles of boutiques , department stores, and great pubs to eat at when you need an energy boost in between shopping. And I actually stumbled across some super affordable places that had really cute clothes AND offered student discounts! Yay!

So now I am equipped for any kind of weather London can throw at me and can do some serious exploring. Well…actually, I did forget to pick up an umbrella. I should probably pick one up, right?

Well, word is that cooler weather should be coming through. Fingers crossed. I want some real London weather. That’s partially what I came here for, that famous Cloudy Day in London Town. Hopefully it’s just around the corner.

Until next time,

Cheers Y’all

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